Who's going to win the 2020 elections?

Created by apoduri on 02-04-2020

@Archbishop: B Sanders dropped out, Biden for the win WOOOOT WOOOT

@Tino_Z: woooooooooo!!!! Joe Biden ALL THE WAY!!!!! les go.

Who is a better president?

Created by Nadh on 03-03-2020

@Archbishop: Why would anyone vote for trumpty dumpty

@Tino_Z: we've got a Republican in the house?

Who is going to come on top in the Democratic Primary Election?

Created by apoduri on 03-05-2020

Did you answer this poll?

Created by jachayw on 06-08-2020

@Nadh: The race is ON! Which 'Yes' is going to get more votes :)
My bet is on the "right" Yes!

which democratic candidate would've been the best suited for the oval office

Created by Husky on 06-08-2020

Who do you think Biden should pick for VP?

Created by Nadh on 06-22-2020

@***perlescent***: Michelle obama is an AMAZING woman and probably one of the most smart and kind choices. (just read Becoming!)

What do you think will be the main issue in this election?

Created by Nadh on 06-26-2020

Do you think Trump will ever concede?

Created by Nadh on 11-13-2020

@Nadh: Humility is not in his DNA!