What is your favorite smartphone?

Created by Nadh on 06-07-2020

Air Pods Or Headphones

Created by Tino_Z on 06-08-2020

@Tino_Z: I would never use headphones out of my house, but I think that most of the time they have better quality. BTW check out Woojer edge

@***perlescent***: Air Pods kind of hurt ur head. like, they have this static sound, and then they like hurt...

Apple or Android

Created by Tino_Z on 06-08-2020

@Tino_Z: this might sound a little weird, but I think that Android is better.

do you think that the iPhone 5 is any better than the iPhone 5s?

Created by Tino_Z on 06-10-2020

@Tino_Z: I feel like Apple makes like that 5s stuff just to make more money and to get another iPhone out.